
Join our Journey!

I have been working on writing the first letter for our little blog. My first attempt was the sort that made my lovely wife, let's say, "concerned." I planned to introduce the blog with the passions and philosophies that I have carried for years. So in a sweet text, my wife said indirectly, "let's try again." Not everyone who reads this knows us or our story, so let's start with an introduction.

Before I get started, though, let me say that this is not a blog about one guy. Instead, it is a family, my family. Karla and I have been married for almost 27 years, and we have four kids. One of ours is in college, one is in high school, and the other two are in elementary school. 

Karla and I were born and raised in Iowa. We met in the eighth grade and from a young age, had a desire to serve on the mission field. We went to college in Arkansas. After graduation, we were married, and I went to medical school in the  Washington DC area. After that, I did my surgical training in El Paso, Texas, and graduated from a general surgery residency in 2004. That summer, we moved to North Carolina, where I worked as a general surgeon for the next six years, and Karla homeschooled the kids.

In 2010, we moved across the country to Los Angeles for a two-year surgical oncology fellowship at the John Wayne Cancer Institute. Our third child, Emma, was born that fall. After that, it was back to El Paso, Texas, where Megan was born and where we have lived for almost ten years.

We bought a fixer-upper ranch, Karla homeschooled the kids, I trained residents, and we became involved in our local church. 

Ten years later, where are we heading? Karla and I have stood up this small non-profit, the Four Winds Professional Guild, to export professional expertise for the glory of God. Many people across the globe suffer from a lack of access to specific skills, abilities, and services that they need, especially medical services. We hope to facilitate and direct experts called to meet these critical needs worldwide.

As I write, the Four Winds Professional Guild has one family with one surgeon. Quite frankly, that is keeping us on our toes. Ideally, we would like to go to one place and work there long-term. We think that will have the greatest impact on the people, the place, and eternity. Thus far, that one place has not been an easy find. We can plan, but God directs our steps. This calls for patience, which is an area of growth for us.

We are working with our church in El Paso, Texas, Horizon Christian Fellowship, to oversee us and oversee our non-profit.

God willing, in March, we will be taking off for Niger. In Niger, we will be working with another non-profit, SIM, at Galmi Hospital. The goal will be to do surgery, start learning French, grow our understanding of African culture, and encourage the local church. We invite you to join our journey!

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